Corporate Social Responsibility

As a firm we have a collective responsibility to the wider community and the environment around us. It is important for our Firm to engage in corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs that have a lasting impact on many of today’s social and economic challenges.
We aim to have a positive impact through our two main themes of CSR activity:
  1. Increase access to justice;
    We have a role to play in promoting fairer access to legal advice by providing free legal assistance to disadvantaged communities and to charitable organisations such as FIDA and Kituo cha Sheria. Through our pro bono work we are able to help non-profit organisations and individuals who may not otherwise have access to legal services.
  2. Supporting opportunity;
    The Firm supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop their skills and aspirations for the future, through education, employability and enterprise support, work experience and mentoring programmes. We are currently paying school fees of four students who have been orphaned at various education levels.